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Wednesday, February 22, 2017

The boy's body and Expertise Make Men Adults Minder

Boy like Bruce Lee.
Every grown man would want an athletic body and also healthy. But to get it can not be as easy as turning the palm of the hand, and it takes effort and discipline.

Especially for office workers, which would be difficult to get because of busy work. Coupled with a less healthy diet and infrequent physical activity, such as exercise. But if you look at this child, can make a grown man minder. How not, muscular body shape. And that is admirable, he is also good at martial arts like Bruce Lee. Even the video make this kid famous

This child has shocked netizens on social media, thanks to his martial arts skills and kecepata motion.Video posted on Facebook on Feb. 15 showed, the boy is doing a series of kicks and punches before doing push-ups. Judging from his appearance, he looks no more than 10 years. And no one knows his name, but most likely it comes from Vietnam seen from the Facebook account to upload the photo. In another part of the video shows, this little bcah also do push ups with two fingers. He did a total of 15 push-ups before standing and provide a 'death stare' at the camera. Dressed as Bruce Lee, chances are he idolized. Including the movement also almost the same. Here's the video that might make you jealous or is eager to get an athletic body:

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